Unprecedented discipline
That's right, folks. Blogged two days in a row.
But apparently I'm not blog-core yet. See, I jumped on this message board about the Google homepage, where I chimed in about adding some Blogger functionality to the homepage options.
Of course, Hidden Nook had to go shutting me down. Apparently my blog pales in comparison to those who administer many blogs or have a bunch of blogs (not like I'm a professional blog administrator or anything). Apparently, making blogging easy is an offensive idea to those who strive to make it as complicated as possible. But hey, if it were easy, everyone would be blogging.
Wait a second ...
On a slightly more positive note about the Internet, big ups to craigslist. Two weeks ago, my special lady Sara and I bought a washer/dryer for $150. Nice condition, fairly new Whirlpools. Great for our new place, which coincidentally has all Whirlpool appliances.
And the dryer only smells a little bit like burning after frequent use. If anybody knows what causes this or, more importantly, how to fix it, please email me.
But today, craigslist came through in a big way. Josh, Rood and I sold the home gym we bought last summer, since none of us will have a place to put it now that we're moving out.
Yeah, I have some fond memories of that gym. Ruining my favorite pair of shorts while putting it together. Lifting some weights. Feeling guilty about not lifting weights enough. Lamenting not having bought a foosball table instead. Being out of shape and foosball-less.
And the newest one: delivering the bench to a guy named Sonny's house in Surprise. That's a long way from Tempe. Coming up the 303, Josh, Sara and I could see the tall fireline of the Cave Creek Complex fire in the mountains to the north.
And you want a real surprise? I was surprised to see that when you Google "surprise", Surprise, Ariz. is the first thing that comes up. Here I was expecting a pleasant surprise (sorry, none there either).
We dropped off the bench at Sonny's house, which was amazing. He said he's in real estate, and, in the true spirit of Phoenix, he and his fiancee bought an amazing house in the middle of nowhere, and she said she commutes at least an hour to her job in Scottsdale.
They were really nice, giving us Dr. Peppers and cookies and offering beers, but they also gave me and Sara the inevitable lecture about how we could have bought a house for not much more than renting. Of course, Josh jumped at the chance to bust out his real estate war stories.
Moral of the story: use craigslist if you're buying on the cheap or selling on the fly, and avoid conversations about real estate at all costs, unless you're buying a house. And fire, although devastating, looks really really cool.
If only we had brought a camera.
Woot woot.
But apparently I'm not blog-core yet. See, I jumped on this message board about the Google homepage, where I chimed in about adding some Blogger functionality to the homepage options.
Of course, Hidden Nook had to go shutting me down. Apparently my blog pales in comparison to those who administer many blogs or have a bunch of blogs (not like I'm a professional blog administrator or anything). Apparently, making blogging easy is an offensive idea to those who strive to make it as complicated as possible. But hey, if it were easy, everyone would be blogging.
Wait a second ...
On a slightly more positive note about the Internet, big ups to craigslist. Two weeks ago, my special lady Sara and I bought a washer/dryer for $150. Nice condition, fairly new Whirlpools. Great for our new place, which coincidentally has all Whirlpool appliances.
And the dryer only smells a little bit like burning after frequent use. If anybody knows what causes this or, more importantly, how to fix it, please email me.
But today, craigslist came through in a big way. Josh, Rood and I sold the home gym we bought last summer, since none of us will have a place to put it now that we're moving out.
Yeah, I have some fond memories of that gym. Ruining my favorite pair of shorts while putting it together. Lifting some weights. Feeling guilty about not lifting weights enough. Lamenting not having bought a foosball table instead. Being out of shape and foosball-less.
And the newest one: delivering the bench to a guy named Sonny's house in Surprise. That's a long way from Tempe. Coming up the 303, Josh, Sara and I could see the tall fireline of the Cave Creek Complex fire in the mountains to the north.
And you want a real surprise? I was surprised to see that when you Google "surprise", Surprise, Ariz. is the first thing that comes up. Here I was expecting a pleasant surprise (sorry, none there either).
We dropped off the bench at Sonny's house, which was amazing. He said he's in real estate, and, in the true spirit of Phoenix, he and his fiancee bought an amazing house in the middle of nowhere, and she said she commutes at least an hour to her job in Scottsdale.
They were really nice, giving us Dr. Peppers and cookies and offering beers, but they also gave me and Sara the inevitable lecture about how we could have bought a house for not much more than renting. Of course, Josh jumped at the chance to bust out his real estate war stories.
Moral of the story: use craigslist if you're buying on the cheap or selling on the fly, and avoid conversations about real estate at all costs, unless you're buying a house. And fire, although devastating, looks really really cool.
If only we had brought a camera.
Woot woot.
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