Late Smurfin' postgame report
And now, only 26 hours late, the Big Yellow Nasty postgame wrap-up!
Not a lot of complaints about ASU's performance. Offense and defense were both solid, despite the fact that the secondary looked shaky early on, and special teams managed not to blow it. Sparky did a lot of pushups, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Let's go to the student section.
Big time boos this game. First and foremost, a giant BS award for the Smurfs.
Stadium control has ditched their traditional grey polos for baby blues (hence the nickname). It's been awhile since I've seen the cartoon about the lovable, pint-sized communists, so I can't remember the exact Smurf who would patrol Smurf village relentlessly, throwing out anyone without a wristband, regardless of how empty and well-behaved the village was.
Was it Jerky Smurf? Pushy Smurf? Douchy Smurf? I-take-my-job-way-too-seriously Smurf?
By the third quarter, our Smurf on patrol revealed himself to be Horny Smurf, as he stopped scrutinizing everyone but scattered packs of hot girls.
All in a day's work, I guess, but I guarantee he didn't get Smurfed that night.
And if that's not enough mothersmurfin' bullsmurf, I've got another crap trophy for the man in the black cowboy hat and his girlfriend. Apparently, her cousin plays for Northwestern. Said cousin must also posses superhuman hearing (on par with Daredevil or possibly Superman), because the pair seemed pretty sure that he could hear every vulgar taunt Josh yelled out.
They turned around multiple times in an attempt to censor Josh, who said nothing that wasn't in the realm of typical student-section trash talk. Certainly, however, Daredevil could have singled Josh out.
Another boo to the frat whose pledges had to come to the game in really short running shorts. Gross.
A final boo goes to my pregame audio, which combines long pauses with drunken woo-hooing and fading signal for an audioblog post that's about as useful as the new wristband policy.
On a more positive note, big ups for some pushups. Crowd pushups, that is. And not your garden variety drunken frat guy crowd pushups.
You'll typically see a guy go up after an ASU score, doing one pushup (which is more like getting tossed up by some buddies) for every point, emulating the way Sparky does it.
This time, however, we had no fewer than eight different girls go up for crowd pushups. This is a huge victory for feminism and for guys who like to see girls bobbing up and down.
Also notable is that someone managed to hit Northwestern's quarterback with a tortilla as he was being pushed out of bounds.
But fan of the game goes to, who gave out foam-rubber bananas before the game. Seeing those fly out of the stands was the next best thing to real bananas, which I dare somebody to bring next time.
Not a lot of complaints about ASU's performance. Offense and defense were both solid, despite the fact that the secondary looked shaky early on, and special teams managed not to blow it. Sparky did a lot of pushups, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Let's go to the student section.
Big time boos this game. First and foremost, a giant BS award for the Smurfs.
Stadium control has ditched their traditional grey polos for baby blues (hence the nickname). It's been awhile since I've seen the cartoon about the lovable, pint-sized communists, so I can't remember the exact Smurf who would patrol Smurf village relentlessly, throwing out anyone without a wristband, regardless of how empty and well-behaved the village was.
Was it Jerky Smurf? Pushy Smurf? Douchy Smurf? I-take-my-job-way-too-seriously Smurf?
By the third quarter, our Smurf on patrol revealed himself to be Horny Smurf, as he stopped scrutinizing everyone but scattered packs of hot girls.
All in a day's work, I guess, but I guarantee he didn't get Smurfed that night.
And if that's not enough mothersmurfin' bullsmurf, I've got another crap trophy for the man in the black cowboy hat and his girlfriend. Apparently, her cousin plays for Northwestern. Said cousin must also posses superhuman hearing (on par with Daredevil or possibly Superman), because the pair seemed pretty sure that he could hear every vulgar taunt Josh yelled out.
They turned around multiple times in an attempt to censor Josh, who said nothing that wasn't in the realm of typical student-section trash talk. Certainly, however, Daredevil could have singled Josh out.
Another boo to the frat whose pledges had to come to the game in really short running shorts. Gross.
A final boo goes to my pregame audio, which combines long pauses with drunken woo-hooing and fading signal for an audioblog post that's about as useful as the new wristband policy.
On a more positive note, big ups for some pushups. Crowd pushups, that is. And not your garden variety drunken frat guy crowd pushups.
You'll typically see a guy go up after an ASU score, doing one pushup (which is more like getting tossed up by some buddies) for every point, emulating the way Sparky does it.
This time, however, we had no fewer than eight different girls go up for crowd pushups. This is a huge victory for feminism and for guys who like to see girls bobbing up and down.
Also notable is that someone managed to hit Northwestern's quarterback with a tortilla as he was being pushed out of bounds.
But fan of the game goes to, who gave out foam-rubber bananas before the game. Seeing those fly out of the stands was the next best thing to real bananas, which I dare somebody to bring next time.
At 8:46 AM,
Eric Spratling said…
We talking pre- or post-Crisis Superman here?
Oh, shit, I'm lame. I'll just go punch myself in the face now.
At 12:37 PM,
Tim said…
The sad thing is I don't know. Superman, although I'm pretty sure he has it, doesn't seem to use his superhuman hearing all that often. It really takes a backseat to x-ray vision.
At 1:02 PM,
Tim said…
And you can't blame Superman. If I had x-ray vision, I'd be too bust looking through shirts to listen to anything.
At 4:20 PM,
Geoff Boeing said…
Agne was a mythological king of Sweden, of the House of Yngling.
Snorri Sturluson relates that he was the son of Dag the Wise, and he was mighty and famous. He was also skilled in many ways.
One summer, he went to Finland with his army where he pillaged. The Finns gathered a vast host under a chief named Frosti (the Jotun Frosti who was the father of Snær the Old, and consequently Agne's great-great-great-great-grandfather).
A great battle ensued which Agne won and many Finns were killed together with Frosti. Agne then subdued all of Finland with his army, and captured not only great booty but also Frosti's daughter Skjalf and her kinsman Logi (in the older Ynglingatal only her kinsman, but in Heimskringla he was her brother, which seems to be a mistake by Snorri Sturluson).
Agne returned to Sweden and they arrived at Stocksund (Stockholm) where they put up their tent on the side of the river where it is flat. Agne had a torc which had belonged to Agne's great-great-great-grandfather Visbur (who, interestingly, was the son of Skjalf's niece Drífa). Although, they were related, Agne married Skjalf who became pregnant with two sons, Erik and Alrik.
Skjalf asked Agne to honour her dead father Frosti with a great feast, which he granted. He invited a great many guests, who gladly arrived to the now even more famous Swedish king. They had a drinking competition in which Agne became very drunk. Skjalf saw her opportunity and asked Agne to take care of Visbur's torc which was around his neck. Agne bound it fast around his neck before he went to sleep.
The king's tent was next to the woods and was under the branches of a tall tree for shade. When Agne was fast asleep, Skjalf took a rope which she attached to the torc. Then she had her men remove the tent, and she threw the rope over a bough. Then she told her men to pull the rope and they hanged Agne avenging Skjalf's father. Skjalf and her men ran to the ships and escaped to Finland, leaving her sons behind.
Agne was buried at the place and it is presently called Agnafit, which is east of the Tauren (the Old Norse name for Södertörn) and west of Stocksund, i.e. in what is still to this day called Agnehögen (Agne's mound) in Lillhersby.
At 4:22 PM,
Geoff Boeing said…
How do ye like the high-souled maid,
Who, with the grim Fate-goddess' aid,
Avenged her sire? -- made Swithiod's king
Through air in golden halter swing?
How do ye like her, Agne's men?
Think ye that any chief again
Will court the fate your chief befell,
To ride on wooden horse to hell?
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