The Big Yellow Nasty

The Big Yellow Nasty is an antique Coleman cooler that still chills despite decades of travel and abuse. In the spirit of the Nasty, Big Yellow Nasty Wire Services is dedicated to providing a small selection of pop-news that is slightly fresh and more-or-less fit for human consumption.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Incredible Eagle!

In retrospect, I think I was tooting my horn a little prematurely when I blogged two days in a row. Nowadays, it seems my loyal fanbase of three people is lucky if I bother blogging two weeks in a row.

If I really had the discipline to make a commitment to the Internet, I'd be doing something like this. That link will take you to the new Web page of my good buddy Geoff, whom I still insist on referring to as Mad Dawg even though nobody else will.

But what Geoff's working on is pretty much what everybody should be doing. It's fairly cheap to register your domain name and get some kind of Web hosting these days, and Web sites are so easy to build that anyone can do it. And I've got tons of content that needs to go online, a lot of which was deleted from the Internet when ASU took down my student pages.

Then again, it's hard to do much else when you're reading Harry Potter. I can hardly find the time to play GTA: San Andreas, and I haven't even busted out my copy of Pirates!

For today, I'll continue half-assing the personal online thing. Maybe I'll make a stronger commitment to it when I get back from Vegas.


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