The Big Yellow Nasty

The Big Yellow Nasty is an antique Coleman cooler that still chills despite decades of travel and abuse. In the spirit of the Nasty, Big Yellow Nasty Wire Services is dedicated to providing a small selection of pop-news that is slightly fresh and more-or-less fit for human consumption.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Collectibles to die for!

I just got back from Vegas, where the Blackjack tables treated me real nice, but meandering around town in a group of seven was prohibitive to one Las Vegas necissity - buying sunglasses. Also, it wasn't sunny.

But now, back in the Valley of the Sun (it's not just a clever name), I'm tormented by the harsh reality that my sweet Blueblockers are busted.

Fortunately for me, I now have the opportunity to buy some way sweeter sunglasses - the aviators made infamous by Ted Kaczynski, the Unibomber! That's right, folks, the Unibomber's stuff is now for sale.

Now before you get all, "Eww, why would he want that guy's sunglasses?", you should know that the proceeds go to benefit the victims of his crimes. So, by purchasing the Unibomber's stuff, we can feel good about helping people while induging our morbid serial killer fascinations. And I'm not alone in thinking it would be neat to own Unibomber paraphernalia; apparently there is a huge market for this stuff.

In other news, I really wanted to blog yesterday about a recently released open-source beer, called Vores Øl. It's got guarana beans, which makes it an an energy beer, much like Circle K hockeytime favorite Be. The problem with open-source beer (as opposed to free software), is you can't download it for free. No, you have to brew it. So the chances of me ever having Vores Øl are diminished by the fact that my previous brewing efforts kind of failed. That and the recipe calls for industrial brewing equipment, slightly more heavy-duty than a little plastic barrel.

And finally, woot woot.


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